You are in a professional transition situation, you are not feeling well about the position you are in, you are no longer in sync with your work environment. You feel like you are no longer evolving, being stuck in your career. You feel frustrated not to use your skills anymore or because the job you are doing no longer fits your values. Despite this feeling of discomfort, you do not know where to go, do not trust yourself or are not sure of your skills. You can also feel a vocation that has not been expressed and wish to follow that voice. All these situations are transitional situations.
Coaching focused on your professional project will help you approach the transition stage with serenity and save you time. The coach will be there to help you take stock of the current situation, clarify your career goals in accordance with your values, look at the options available to you and make the decisions that make sense to you your life.
Coaching will be a way to preserve and regulate your energy level as it will allow you to channel the strong or negative emotions that may prevent you from moving forward and mobilizing your potential in the face of the transition situation.