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« Physical, mental and social well-being
is shifting from problem solving
to appreciative inquiry.”
                                                                      Y. Demirian

Health and wellbeing in the workplace


The new forms of work organization (NFOT), the accelerated pace of change, have produced a real surge of psychosocial disorders in the workplace over the past two decades, marked by dramas that have been widely publicized in several large companies or public institutions. Illness at work has become a fact of society that it can no longer be ignored.

The discomfort at work can take various forms ranging from stress to harassment, burnout, violence or TMS (musculoskeletal disorders).

Even if work by nature has ambivalent effects on the health of employees and can lead to fatigue or exhaustion, it is also a place of blossoming, belonging to a collective, building identity. Two dimensions are particularly important when it comes to preserving the health of people at work:

  • The satisfaction of a job well done
  • The possibility to count on the support and the help of the collective work


These two protective elements are currently being weakened. atisfaction with good work is declining in many areas. This is due to often untenable constraints and situations experienced as a conflict of values ​​(30% of assets in France are affected), at least occasionally. In addition, individualisation of labor relations weakens solidarity and cooperation within teams.

According to the latest Edenred-Ipsos barometer on satisfaction and well-being in work, France is at the bottom of the ranking with its 67% satisfied with their working conditions.

Mischief at work is not only detrimental to the health of employees, it also has implications for the smooth running of the company. Here are some examples :

  • Absenteeism or presenteeism
  • turnover
  • Decrease in motivation
  • Unkept deadlines
  • Deterioration in the quality of work
  • Work accidents


Most studies agree that les PHR can permanently damage the economic and social performance of the company.

The French legislative framework (Social Modernization Act of 17 January 2002) imposes an obligation on the employer to protect the physical and mental health of its employees. As such, the employer is obliged to assess the possible risks and to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and health of the employees of his company. To this end, it must develop and maintain a single risk assessment document (RED).

With experience in psychology and occupational health, our interventions are located at several levels of prevention of psychosocial risks :

  • Diagnostic
  • Training Information
  • Preparation of a prevention plan
  • Accompanying the implementation
  • Evaluation of results


Our approach is primarily participatory and focused on the activation of the collective intelligence of the accompanied human system. Our experience has proved that the preventive approaches that succeed are those that associate all the actors of the company (CHSCT, IRP, Management, middle managers, teams or work units, customers or users …)



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